On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 06:10:52PM +0200, Éric Piel wrote:I don't think so: xorg 1.6.5, with xinput-evdev 2.2.5. They are both latest or second latest stable versions.Op 21-10-09 22:20, Dmitry Torokhov schreef:In the console (in init 3), I haven't managed to reproduce it. In xorg,
Nothing, as far as I can tell... I see you typing "qwerty"... Does the
keyboard work in console (let's say if you boot in run level 3 to take X out
of the picture)? Could you please try compiling evbug module - it will show if
keyboard events are propagated through input core. Also, whta driver are you
using in X? Legacy keyboard or evdev?
the keyboard input uses evdev. Now I've just tried "evtest
/dev/input/event4", when the keyboard doesn't work... and I see the key
So I guess it rules out a bug in the kernel, and I have to talk with the
people from Xorg, right?
Yep... but it is still wierd since evdev driver works fine for me...
Could it be you are using either too old or too new version of X?