Re: [PATCH] Remove GP_REPLAY state from rcu_sync
From: Joel Fernandes
Date: Thu Jan 16 2020 - 16:57:18 EST
On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 11:41 AM Oleg Nesterov <oleg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 10/04, Joel Fernandes (Google) wrote:
> >
> > But this is not always true if you consider the following events:
> I'm afraid I missed your point, but...
> > ---------------------->
> > GP num 111111 22222222222222222222222222222222233333333
> > GP state i e p x r rx i
> > CPU0 : rse rsx
> > CPU1 : rse rsx
> > CPU2 : rse rsx
> >
> > Here, we had 3 grace periods that elapsed, 1 for the rcu_sync_enter(),
> > and 2 for the rcu_sync_exit(s).
> But this is fine?
> We only need to ensure that we have a full GP pass between the "last"
> rcu_sync_exit() and GP_XXX -> GP_IDLE transition.
> > However, we had 3 rcu_sync_exit()s, not 2. In other words, the
> > rcu_sync_exit() got batched.
> >
> > So my point here is, rcu_sync_exit() does not really always cause a new
> > GP to happen
> See above, it should not.
> > Then what is the point of the GP_REPLAY state at all if it does not
> > always wait for a new GP?
> Again, I don't understand... GP_REPLAY ensures that we will have a full GP
> before rcu_sync_func() sets GP_IDLE, note that it does another "recursive"
> call_rcu() if it sees GP_REPLAY.
I finally got back to this (meanwhile life, job things happened). You
are right, only the last one needs a full GP and it does get one here.
Probably a comment in rcu_sync_exit() explaining this might help the
future reader.
Basically you are saying, if rcu_sync_exit() happens and GP_REPLAY is
already set, we need not worry about starting a new GP because
GP_REPLAY->GP_EXIT->GP_IDLE transition will involve a full GP anyway.
And only if, GP_EXIT is already set, then we must set GP_REPLAY and
wait for a full GP. This ensures the last rcu_sync_exit() gets a full
GP. I think that was what I was missing. Some reason I thought that
every rcu_sync_exit() needs to start a full GP.
- Joel