Re: [PATCH bpf-next v3 02/11] tools/bpf/runqslower: Fix override option for VMLINUX_BTF
From: Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen
Date: Fri Jan 17 2020 - 04:45:07 EST
Andrii Nakryiko <andrii.nakryiko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 5:23 AM Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen <toke@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> From: Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen <toke@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> The runqslower tool refuses to build without a file to read vmlinux BTF
>> from. The build fails with an error message to override the location by
>> setting the VMLINUX_BTF variable if autodetection fails. However, the
>> Makefile doesn't actually work with that override - the error message is
>> still emitted.
>> Fix this by including the value of VMLINUX_BTF in the expansion, and only
>> emitting the error message if the *result* is empty. Also permit running
>> 'make clean' even though no VMLINUX_BTF is set.
>> Fixes: 9c01546d26d2 ("tools/bpf: Add runqslower tool to tools/bpf")
>> Signed-off-by: Toke HÃiland-JÃrgensen <toke@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> ---
>> tools/bpf/runqslower/Makefile | 18 ++++++++++--------
>> 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/tools/bpf/runqslower/Makefile b/tools/bpf/runqslower/Makefile
>> index cff2fbcd29a8..89fb7cd30f1a 100644
>> --- a/tools/bpf/runqslower/Makefile
>> +++ b/tools/bpf/runqslower/Makefile
>> @@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ CFLAGS := -g -Wall
>> # Try to detect best kernel BTF source
>> KERNEL_REL := $(shell uname -r)
>> -ifneq ("$(wildcard /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux)","")
>> -VMLINUX_BTF := /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux
>> -else ifneq ("$(wildcard /boot/vmlinux-$(KERNEL_REL))","")
>> -VMLINUX_BTF := /boot/vmlinux-$(KERNEL_REL)
>> -else
>> -$(error "Can't detect kernel BTF, use VMLINUX_BTF to specify it explicitly")
>> +VMLINUX_BTF_PATHS := $(VMLINUX_BTF) /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux /boot/vmlinux-$(KERNEL_REL)
>> +VMLINUX_BTF_PATH := $(firstword $(wildcard $(VMLINUX_BTF_PATHS)))
> If user specifies VMLINUX_BTF pointing to non-existing file, but the
> system has /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux, the latter will still be used,
> which is a very surprising behavior.
Hmm, yeah, good point.
> Also MAKECMDGOALS feels like a fragile hack to me. How about we move
> this VMLINUX_BTF guessing (without $(error)) into vmlinux.h rule
> itself and use shell if conditional after it to check for file
> existance and print nice error. That way we'll be checking VMLINUX_BTF
> only when it's really needed.
OK, sure, can do.