Re: [RFC PATCH 0/3] Add device tree build information
From: Frank Rowand
Date: Fri Jan 17 2020 - 14:13:17 EST
On 1/16/20 2:19 AM, Alexandre Torgue wrote:
> Hi Franck,
> On 1/16/20 3:28 AM, Frank Rowand wrote:
>> On 1/13/20 12:16 PM, Alexandre Torgue wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The goal of this series is to add device tree build information in dtb.
>>> This information can be dtb build date, where devicetree files come from,
>>> who built the dtb ... Actually, same kind of information that you can find
>>> in the Linux banner which is printout during kernel boot. Having the same
>>> kind of information for device tree is useful for debugging and maintenance.
>>> To achieve that a new option "-B" (using an argument) is added to dtc.
>>> The argument is a file containing a string with build information
>>> (e.g., From Linux 5.5.0-rc1 by alex the Mon Jan 13 18:25:38 CET 2020).
>>> DTC use it to append dts file with a new string property "Build-info".
>>> of/fdt.c is modified to printout "Build-info" property during Kernel boot and
>>> scripts/Makefile.lib is modified to use dtc -B option during kernel make (this
>>> last part could be improved for sure).
>> Please read through the thread at:
>> ÂÂ
>> which was my attempt to do something similar.
> Yes the idea is the same: get build DTB information like build date,
> "who built the DTB" ... The difference seems to be the way to do it.
> In my case, I don't want to modify existing dts source files., but I
> "just" append them by creating a new property with a string
> containing this build information.>
> Why your proposition has not been accepted ?
Since you are asking this question, I am presuming that you did not
read the replies in the thread I referenced. Please read through
the entire thread. Most of the review comments were objecting to
the concept of my proposal.
> Regards
> Alex
>> -Frank
>>> Regards
>>> Alex
>>> Alexandre Torgue (3):
>>> ÂÂ dtc: Add dtb build information option
>>> ÂÂ of: fdt: print dtb build information
>>> ÂÂ scripts: Use -B dtc option to generate dtb build information.
>>> Â drivers/of/fdt.cÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ |Â 9 +++++++
>>> Â scripts/Makefile.libÂÂÂÂÂÂ | 11 +++++---
>>> Â scripts/dtc/dtc.cÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
>>> Â scripts/gen_dtb_build_info | 11 ++++++++
>>> Â 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
>>> Â create mode 100755 scripts/gen_dtb_build_info