Re: [PATCH 1/2] ARM: dts: rockchip: rename dwmmc node names to mmc
From: Heiko Stuebner
Date: Sat Jan 18 2020 - 18:03:41 EST
Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2020, 19:52:43 CET schrieb Johan Jonker:
> Current dts files with 'dwmmc' nodes are manually verified.
> In order to automate this process rockchip-dw-mshc.txt
> has to be converted to yaml. In the new setup
> rockchip-dw-mshc.yaml will inherit properties from
> mmc-controller.yaml and synopsys-dw-mshc-common.yaml.
> 'dwmmc' will no longer be a valid name for a node,
> so change them all to 'mmc'
> Signed-off-by: Johan Jonker <jbx6244@xxxxxxxxx>
applied both for maybe still 5.6