[PATCH 5.4 219/222] clk: imx7ulp: Correct DDR clock mux options
From: Greg Kroah-Hartman
Date: Wed Jan 22 2020 - 08:28:16 EST
From: Anson Huang <Anson.Huang@xxxxxxx>
commit 2e2b928a04bd74ea410da72bd60e1c5b06398276 upstream.
In the latest reference manual Rev.0,06/2019, the DDR clock mux
is extended to 2 bits, and the clock options are also changed,
correct them accordingly.
Fixes: b1260067ac3d ("clk: imx: add imx7ulp clk driver")
Signed-off-by: Anson Huang <Anson.Huang@xxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Fabio Estevam <festevam@xxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Shawn Guo <shawnguo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
--- a/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/imx/clk-imx7ulp.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ static const char * const spll_sels[] =
static const char * const apll_pfd_sels[] = { "apll_pfd0", "apll_pfd1", "apll_pfd2", "apll_pfd3", };
static const char * const apll_sels[] = { "apll", "apll_pfd_sel", };
static const char * const scs_sels[] = { "dummy", "sosc", "sirc", "firc", "dummy", "apll_sel", "spll_sel", "dummy", };
-static const char * const ddr_sels[] = { "apll_pfd_sel", "upll", };
+static const char * const ddr_sels[] = { "apll_pfd_sel", "dummy", "dummy", "dummy", };
static const char * const nic_sels[] = { "firc", "ddr_clk", };
static const char * const periph_plat_sels[] = { "dummy", "nic1_bus_clk", "nic1_clk", "ddr_clk", "apll_pfd2", "apll_pfd1", "apll_pfd0", "upll", };
static const char * const periph_bus_sels[] = { "dummy", "sosc_bus_clk", "mpll", "firc_bus_clk", "rosc", "nic1_bus_clk", "nic1_clk", "spll_bus_clk", };
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ static void __init imx7ulp_clk_scg1_init
clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_SYS_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux2("scs_sel", base + 0x14, 24, 4, scs_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(scs_sels));
clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_HSRUN_SYS_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux2("hsrun_scs_sel", base + 0x1c, 24, 4, scs_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(scs_sels));
clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_NIC_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux2("nic_sel", base + 0x40, 28, 1, nic_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(nic_sels));
- clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DDR_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("ddr_sel", base + 0x30, 24, 1, ddr_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE);
+ clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_DDR_SEL] = imx_clk_hw_mux_flags("ddr_sel", base + 0x30, 24, 2, ddr_sels, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_sels), CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT | CLK_OPS_PARENT_ENABLE);
clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_CORE_DIV] = imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("divcore", "scs_sel", base + 0x14, 16, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT);
clks[IMX7ULP_CLK_HSRUN_CORE_DIV] = imx_clk_hw_divider_flags("hsrun_divcore", "hsrun_scs_sel", base + 0x1c, 16, 4, CLK_SET_RATE_PARENT);