Re: [RFC][PATCH 0/2] Avoiding DWC3 transfer stalls/hangs when using adb over f_fs
From: Andrzej Pietrasiewicz
Date: Thu Jan 23 2020 - 03:43:54 EST
Hi John,
W dniu 22.01.2020 oÂ23:26, John Stultz pisze:
Hey all,
I wanted to send these out for comment and thoughts.
Since ~4.20, when the functionfs gadget enabled scatter-gather
support, we have seen problems with adb connections stalling and
stopping to function on hardware with dwc3 usb controllers.
Specifically, HiKey960, Dragonboard 845c, and Pixel3 devices.
Any chance this:
has something to do with the problem you are reporting?