Re: [PATCH v1] memfd: `MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL` should not imply `MFD_ALLOW_SEALING`

From: David Rheinsberg
Date: Thu May 23 2024 - 04:25:06 EST


On Thu, May 23, 2024, at 4:25 AM, Barnabás Pőcze wrote:
> 2024. május 23., csütörtök 1:23 keltezéssel, Andrew Morton
> <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> írta:
>> It's a change to a userspace API, yes? Please let's have a detailed
>> description of why this is OK. Why it won't affect any existing users.
> Yes, it is a uAPI change. To trigger user visible change, a program has to
> - create a memfd
> - without MFD_ALLOW_SEALING;
> - try to add seals / check the seals.
> This change in essence reverts the kernel's behaviour to that of Linux
> <6.3, where
> only `MFD_ALLOW_SEALING` enabled sealing. If a program works correctly
> on those
> kernels, it will likely work correctly after this change.
> I have looked through Debian Code Search and GitHub, searching for
> And I could find only a single breakage that this change would case:
> dbus-broker
> has its own memfd_create() wrapper that is aware of this implicit
> behaviour[0], and tries to work around it. This workaround will break.
> Luckily,
> however, as far as I could tell this only affects the test suite of
> dbus-broker,
> not its normal operations, so I believe it should be fine. I have
> prepared a PR
> with a fix[1].

We asked for exactly this fix before, so I very much support this. Our test-suite in `dbus-broker` merely verifies what the current kernel behavior is (just like the kernel selftests). I am certainly ok if the kernel breaks it. I will gladly adapt the test-suite.

Previous discussion was in:

[PATCH] memfd: support MFD_NOEXEC alongside MFD_EXEC

Note that this fix is particularly important in combination with `vm.memfd_noexec=2`, since this breaks existing user-space by enabling sealing on all memfds unconditionally. I also encourage backporting to stable kernels.

Reviewed-by: David Rheinsberg <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
